
分类:喜剧片喜剧惊悚恐怖奇幻 地区:美国 年份:1987 导演:乔·舒马赫 主演:科里·费尔德曼科里·海姆黛安·韦斯特杰森·帕特里克基弗·萨瑟兰 状态:HD

简介:因家庭财政危机,单身妈妈露茜(Dianne Wiest 饰)不得不带着两个儿子——麦克(Jason Patric 饰)和山姆(Corey Haim 饰)来到加利福尼亚某偏僻的海滨小镇桑塔卡拉居住。桑塔
  • wjm3u8


     山姆和麦克兄弟俩和母亲搬到加州的小镇后,发现这个小镇被一股神秘的势力所笼罩      山姆和当地的一对吸血鬼猎人兄弟成为了好友,麦克则受到诱惑加入了当地的飞车党,开始昼伏夜出的诡异生活      几个年轻人也随着陷入了危机,他们是否能全身而退      杰森·帕特里克Jason Patric                        Michael Emerson科里·海姆Corey Haim                        Sam Emerson黛安娜·维斯特Dianne Wiest                        Lucy Emerson巴纳德·休斯Barnard Hughes                        Grandpa爱德华·赫曼Edward Herrmann                        Max基弗·萨瑟兰Kiefer Sutherland                        David杰米·格尔兹Jami Gertz                        Star科里·费尔德曼Corey Feldman                        Edgar FrogJamison Newlander                        Alan FrogBrooke McCarter                        PaulBilly Wirth                        DwayneAlex Winter                        Marko (as Alexander Winter)Chance Michael Corbitt                        Laddie ThompsonAlexander Bacon Chapman                        GregNori Morgan                        ShellyTodd Feder                        Surf Nazi #1Christopher Peters                        Surf Nazi #2Keith Butterfield                        Surf Nazi #3Gerald Younggren                        Surf Nazi #4Eric Graves                        Surf Nazi #5J       Dinan Myrtetus                        Vernon BeasleyKelly Jo Minter                        MariaTimmy Cappello                        Beach concert starJim Turner                        Gas station ownerTony Cain                        Lost ChildMelanie Bishop                        Child's motherSandra E       Garcia                        Runaway #1Ian Guindon                        Runaway #2Jane Bare                        Mother FrogB       Lowenberg                        Father FrogCaptain Colourz                        Tattoo manInez Pandalfi                        Mrs       BeasleyCody                        Nanook (dog)Folsom                        Thorn (dog)Peggy Malone                        (uncredited)Douglas Mellor                        (uncredited)Mercedes Moseley                        Girl getting ears pierced (uncredited)导演:乔·舒马赫Joel Schumacher编剧:Jeffrey Boam                        (screenplay)Janice Fischer                        (story) &/(screenplay) &James Jeremias                        (story)/(screenplay) and制作人:马克·达蒙Mark Damon                        co-executive producer理查德·唐纳Richard Donner                        executive producerHarvey Bernhard                        producerJohn W       Hyde                        co-executive producer (as John Hyde)原创音乐:托马斯·纽曼Thomas Newman摄影:迈克尔·查普曼Michael Chapman                        (director of photography)剪辑:Robert Brown选角导演:玛丽昂·多尔蒂Marion Dougherty艺术指导:博·维尔奇Bo Welch美术设计:汤姆·达菲尔德Tom Duffield布景师:R       Chris Westlund                        (as Chris Westlund)服装设计:Susan Becker视觉特效:埃里克·布雷维格Eric Brevig副导演/助理导演:M       James Arnett                        second unit director (as James Arnett)William S       Beasley                        first assistant directorPatrick A       Duffy                        first assistant director:second unit (as Patrick Duffy)Eric Jewett                        second assistant directorJennifer Kingry                        second second assistant directorKalai Strode                        second assistant director:second unit (as Woody K       Strode)因家庭财政危机,单身妈妈露茜(Dianne Wiest 饰)不得不带着两个儿子——麦克(Jason Patric 饰)和山姆(Corey Haim 饰)来到加利福尼亚某偏僻的海滨小镇桑塔卡拉居住      桑塔卡拉被青少年飞车党弄得乌烟瘴气,而且当地还流传着吸血鬼的传说      两兄弟在这里很快结识了艾加(Corey Feldman 饰)和艾兰(Jamison Newlander 饰)两兄弟,他们自称吸血鬼猎人,当然麦克和山姆对这种传闻嗤之以鼻      不久,麦克迷上了飞车党头目戴维(Keifer Sutherland 饰)的女友斯塔(Jami Gertz 饰)      制作公司:华纳兄弟公司 [美国]华纳兄弟影片公司 [美国] (presents) (as Warner Bros      )发行公司:华纳家庭视频公司 [美国] (1987) (USA) (video) (laserdisc)/(2004) (USA) (DVD) (two-disc special edition)/(1998) (USA) (DVD)/(1993) (USA) (VHS)/(1992) (USA) (VHS)Warner Home Vídeo [巴西] (1999) (Brazil) (DVD)/(19??) (Brazil) (VHS)华纳兄弟影片公司 [美国] (1987) (USA) (theatrical)Warner Bros       (1988) (Sweden) (theatrical)Warner-Columbia Films (1988) (Finland) (theatrical)CBS Television [美国] (1990) (USA) (TV) (broadcast premiere)Encore Avenue (2009) (Canada) (TV)Fazer Musiikki Oy/Fazer Video (19??) (Finland) (VHS)Sandrews [瑞典] (1998) (Sweden) (DVD)/(2004) (Sweden) (DVD)SubTV [芬兰] (2007) (Finland) (TV)Warner Home Video (1998) (2004) (Finland) (DVD)Warner Home Video (1999) (Netherlands) (DVD)/(19??) (Netherlands) (VHS)华纳家庭视频公司 [瑞典] (2008) (Sweden) (DVD) (Blu-ray)特技制作公司:Makeup Effects Laboratories Inc       [美国]Dream Quest Images [美国] (special visual effects)其他公司:Pacific Title [美国] opticalsAtlantic Records [美国] original soundtrack album on (as Atlantic Records, Cassettes and Compact Discs)TAJ Soundworks [美国] foley (as T A J)Central Coast Production Services casting:Santa Cruz (as Central Coast Production Service)For Stars Catering [美国] catering (as Four Stars Catering)International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) this picture made under the jurisdiction of (as I      A      T      S      E      ®)New World Pictures [美国] provided through the courtesy of (Reform School Girls poster)环球影业 [美国] courtesy of (still of Molly Ringwald from the motion picture The Breakfast Club [Univ       1984])Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp       [美国] copyright owner:original music compositions上映日期:国家/地区 上映/发行日期(细节)美国 USA 1987年7月31日澳大利亚 Australia 1987年11月12日西德 West Germany 1988年1月14日瑞典 Sweden 1988年1月22日芬兰 Finland 1988年1月29日芬兰 Finland 2004年6月3日                                    (Night Visions Film Festival)网站评分参评人数统计截止日期豆瓣6      59582023-12-11


辣椒影院提供:捉鬼小灵精完整版在线免费观看全集高清,剧情:     山姆和麦克兄弟俩和母亲搬到加州的小镇后,发现这个小镇被一股神秘的势力所笼罩      山姆...
